Covid and phenomena
Covid and phenomena

Treatments for COVID-19 are constantly evolving.

covid and phenomena

Alternative therapies include bebtelovimab.It is important to speak with your doctor as soon as possible once you are confirmed to have COVID-19 to determine if this is an appropriate treatment for you to have since it should be taken as soon as possible, and within 7 days of when you started feeling ill. Monoclonal antibody treatment, which can help your immune system fight off the virus by stopping the virus from spreading, so you are less likely to get severely ill.Alternative therapies include Lagevrio (molnupiravir).Preferred therapies include PAXLOVID (nirmatrelvir/ritonavir) or VEKLURY (remdesivir).There is a narrow window, typically five days from when you begin feeling ill, to begin this treatment so speak with your healthcare provider as soon as possible if you test positive for COVID-19. Antiviral medicationscan help your immune system fight of the coronavirus infection by stopping the virus from multiplying in your body, with a goal of preventing you from becoming more seriously ill.Depending on your situation, you may receive one of these treatments: The FDA has issued emergency use authorization (EUAs) for certain medications that your healthcare provider may prescribe with a goal of keeping you from developing severe symptoms. Severe symptoms that may require hospitalization typically occur about one week after initial symptoms begin. Many individuals, including those who live with chronic lung disease, are at high risk for severe illness if they get sick with COVID-19.

covid and phenomena

Treatment Options if You are High Risk for Severe Illness

Covid and phenomena