Theological wordbook of the old testament evening
Theological wordbook of the old testament evening

theological wordbook of the old testament evening

Though I will repeat some of the information expressed above, hopefully by expanding upon the facts a little, it will help the reader to understand the meaning and importance of the Hebrew word yom in Genesis 1. Now, though I don't think it is actually needed, I would like to expand upon these thoughts briefly. I don't see how God could have been any clearer! With all these limiting words and phrases restricting the context of Genesis 1 ("day(s)," 11 times "it was so," 6 times "And God saw," 7 times "good" 7 times "very good," 1 time and the time-stamp numbers used 6 times), the "preponderance of the evidence" (meaning that it was more likely than not that something occurred in a certain way), seems to limit the usage of yom to an ordinary 24-hour Day. 1:4-5) literally refers to the daily light/dark cycle of Day and Night. This infers that Day in Genesis 1 means a literal 24-hour Day. 90:4 and literally stated by Peter - twice - in 2 Pet.

theological wordbook of the old testament evening

(6) The fact that Genesis 1 lacks a comparative particle - "like" or "as," (implied in Psa. He pronounced that all six Days of Creation were "very good," only after "he saw everything that he had made" worked fully together as he fully created it to exist (Gen. It refers to not only the sun, moon, stars, plants, trees, sea and land life, and man himself but the finished complex systems working within other finished complex systems to support all life. This speaks of not only his decree, but his finished work. God pronounced that each event in Creation was "good" (Hebrew, towb, meaning "excellent") "only after" he "saw" what was completed ("and it was so"). (5) "And God saw" indicates immediacy (Gen. (4) "It was so" indicates immediacy, not a delay of 1000s, millions, or billions of years (Gen. (3) Yom's appearance with the time-stamp numbers (the first Day, the second Day, etc. (2) Yom's appearance with the defining phrase, "morning and evening" (Gen. (1) Yom's Sabbath Day usage in Exodus 20:9-11 (cf. I previously wrote that the Hebrew word yom in Genesis 1, literally means a 24-hour Day, as supported by: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation.

theological wordbook of the old testament evening

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  • Theological wordbook of the old testament evening